
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How it all Began- Part 2

 In Part One, I mentioned 3 prayer requests that the Lord answered for me while we were in Arizona. We landed in Phoenix on late Friday afternoon, viewed the church just from the car and planned to meet Bro. Thompson at 9am the next morning! I had been praying that the Lord would give me some type of sign that was personal to me. As we headed to meet Bro. Thompson, I was really nervous! I could hardly eat my breakfast just thinking about all that we were about to see and talk about! We got to the church and spotted Bro. Thompson making his way to us. (Insert Big mistake here- the high for that day was 112- and I left my make-up in the car! BAD!) We got out of the car, and as I was walking to the main entrance, I happened to notice this plaque on the wall.
 I casually glanced at it, trying not to slow us down, but had to stop. The sign said: "Heritage Free Will Baptist Church- Founded on May 6, 1983." I re-read it to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Yes, it said, "May 6 1983!" That is the exact day-- the exact year that I was born. The church was founded on the day that I entered the world. To many, this might have been really "no big deal." But to me, this was God's answer to my prayer- my personal sign. He answered my prayer request before even entering the building. How much more personal can you get than the day you were born? From that moment, I knew. I knew that God was leading us to Heritage.
One of the 3 playgrounds- the boys will really enjoy this!

I can just see my boys sliding on the slide!

Computer Lab

gym kitchen- one of the 2 full kitchens on campus
Main entrance to gym- where the preschool children eat lunch.

Gym- the Patriots was the school mascot!

Wow! Lots of thermostats to keep up with!

The stage is set to hold many school and church programs and dramas. We hope to rebuild that again.
 Another prayer request was that I would meet good friends- just someone to connect to and keep up with once I returned to Goldsboro. While we were there, the Lord didn't just show me one friend, He gave me lots of friends! I have enjoyed keeping up with one of the ladies through email since August. She is so sweet to check up on us, and send me bulletins each week so we can keep informed. I am thankful that the Lord has already given me many friends at Heritage! (I will sure miss all of my G-boro friends!)
Charter School Classroom

Charter School Classroom

Charter School Classroom
 My final prayer request, that we are still praying about, was that the Lord would show us where to send the boys to school. While on the trip, my dad kept texting me about a school he wanted us to check out. He knew the Pastor and had already emailed him that we would be in the area. We really didn't have time until the last day that we were there because it is 25 miles from the church. We finally decided to check it out, and when we drove up I was amazed! It is a brand new campus with a church, school and seminary! We toured the school and really loved what we saw. The curriculum was just like what we were use to, and the teachers and faculty were so very kind. We are still praying about the possibility of sending the boys to this school. It is so very expensive. However, we believe that is is so important to raise the boys in that type of environment and we will do what we can to make that possible!
Heritage does have a preschool that is from baby to Kindergarten. These classrooms are totally separate from the Charter School. Two years ago, when HCA shut down a Charter school began leasing the facilities. This has actually been a huge blessing, because their lease has helped with the giant mortgage bill. When we visited in August, we were able to visit each classroom and meet the principal and teachers. It happened to be their Open House that Saturday, so we were able to go and see the auditorium fill up with so many unchurched families. These families will be on Heritage's campus every day during the school year, and we are so excited of the potential we have to invite these people to our services! Myron will also be able to conduct chapel with these students once a week! What an opportunity the Lord has given us from this unusual circumstance.
The view from the 2nd floor of the School Building.

Upstairs in the educational building- getting books ready for school to start.

Bro. Thompson's office

 We spent hours in Bro. Thompson's office as he shared with us how it all began. His sweet wife has been in an Alzheimer's facilities for a few years now. I know that she was a very Godly Pastor's wife and she stood behind him when things were very tough. Their strong faith and sacrifice (spiritually and financially) for God is amazing.
Church Nursery Hallway

One of the nurseries

They have a sweet lady who has spent hours painting all of these beautiful murals.
Yes, we have an Ikea. Just minutes away! Why did I end with this picture? Because, I wanted to invite you all to come visit us! I tell everyone that the shopping in Gilbert is like Raleigh on steroids! Countless malls, outlets, restaurants, beautiful scenery---what else could you want?
(Post coming soon: A very humorous prayer answered---that I didn't even pray about?)

1 comment:

  1. Grandpa doesn't feel too well today so I am staying home with him from prayer meeting. Just read your second blog to him and it was written so well, Julie....thanks for sharing. Grandpa called our dear friend, Paul Thompson last Monday morning...telling him how happy our grandchildren were going to Gilbert to pastor, etc. Grandpa has known brother Paul since in the 60's...and yes, he and his wife are two faithful servants of the Lord and our heart goes out to him with having his wife in a rest home.
    Keep the blogs coming...we love them...praying for you all...In His Love, grandpa and grandma
